
The importance of building an MVP mobile application

The importance of building an MVP mobile application
By: Merna Mekhail

Why build an MVP version of your mobile app?

Want to enhance your business success rate? Then this is the useful article for you. Today we are going to talk about a very important topic for entrepreneurs; one that would help them in some very critical business decisions,today we will talk about the MVP mobile app and why it is so important to have an MVP version for your application. Mobile app development is a very critical decision for any business; simply because sometimes IT IS THE BUSINESS, and that is where the problem is. In some cases, where the mobile app is the business itself, it turns out to be really hard to decide how much money you should invest in this application, and whether you put all the features you want in it or not, whether it should be on a native platform or a cross one,etc…     

Mobile app technology is a very wide topic, and not all businesses especially startups get what it is! Launching a mobile app would require lots of thinking,planning, spending, and implementing, to understand how important it is for your business to develop an app, check for more informstion. So, before launching a mobile app you should know what type of mobile app is suitable for your business, how much money are you willing to spend on it, and how much money do you expect to earn from it.

So what is an MVP mobile app?

At first, before launching an application, you have to know the difference between the MVP mobile app and the full-product app. A full-product app (fully developed mobile application), is a native app that has all the features a person wants in it, its name actually reflects what it is.Basically it takes a very long time to be fully developed with all its features, so one of its main problems is how the market can be changing around,and the product is still being developed based on the past market research.

One of the other problems faced by entrepreneurs looking for developing a mobile application is their budget, entrepreneurs are usually low or limited on budget, so how come they develop an app that actually would cost them a fortune ? Here we come to the most suitable solution for the problems entrepreneurs face; the MVP mobile app. As simple as we can put it into words, this mobile app is the one every business and especially the startup ones are looking for.

MVP app is developed on a native platform; so you can update its features along the way whenever the market changes by prioritizing the features needed to be put in the app at first, and then update/ add features along the application’s lifetime as much as you can. It is not complete; so it is not time consuming and if the market changes in any way you can adapt it to it. Last but not least, its most important feature is how budget friendly it is! So basically you would develop an app based on your market research, put in it the important features, launch it, market for it, and earn from it! See? MAGIC…

What might seem as cons of MVP...

The title may seem a little odd, but that’s what we actually believe, the MVP might have some things that may seem like they’re disadvantages, but with a little thinking twist you would know they are not. For example, people say that the determination of the minimum, how to determine that this minimum is enough,  is a very complicated and uncertain process, and it might seem like it is,while it actually isn’t; because with the doing a proper market research you can easily understand what the minimum is.

MVP is also known that the limited features of the MVP mobile app is a problem faced by businesses, so let’s change the structure of that, the MVP mobile app has got limited features only for the first period of time and once it starts growing success you can update those features and add some more on them.

To sum up...

When it comes to developing an app, we at Intcore help you develop a proper market research; to help you determine which type of mobile app you need for your business, for startup business we always recommend developing an MVP mobile app; as it is budget friendly,and not time consuming so you can cope with any market changes happening around. We believe that technology is one of the main success aspects for businesses nowadays, so start thinking of how to make your business STRIKE!

Here are some external links that could be useful for your general knowledge about mobile apps development and their importantce:

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