
5 Impacts Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has on Mobile App Development

5 Impacts Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has on Mobile App Development
By: Mariam Mohamed

In mobile application development, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) can be game changers. These technologies are constantly evolving and can enhance user experiences which positively affects business outcomes. In this blog post, we will walk through the 5 impacts that Artificial intelligence and Machine learning has on mobile apps and some challenges for the developers to consider. 

1. Creates better personalization and tailored experiences 

One of the benefits of integrating AI and machine learning in mobile app development processes is that it creates a better personalization for users. It analyzes a user’s behavior and preferences so that the AI algorithms deliver more personalization to the app for the user 

For example: Netflix streaming platform, uses AI integration technology to recommend TV shows and movies based on the user’s past behavior which creates a sense of personalization that retains the user and makes them want to watch more. 

In psychology, personalization makes the user feel that they are being approached specifically and that this service is only for serving them and their needs. They tend to feel appreciated and valued. 

2. Increases user engagement: 

The integration of chatbots or virtual assistant that are AI-driven enhances the user experience within mobile apps. It provides instant assistance to the users who have queries which increases their level of engagement. 

Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant are virtual assistance tools that are AI-driven, these tools are becoming an essential part in users lives making their use easier. 
The more technology is advancing, the more users want smart tools to make their lives easier 

On the other hand, the emergence of chatbots, the AI powered bots that answer user’s queries 24/7, achieves customer satisfaction as users tend to value fast response. 

3. Enhances security 

Undoubtedly, security is an important aspect of mobile apps. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are enhancing security in apps, here is how. 
The key features integrated through AI and machine learning to enhance security are: 

  • Face recognition or fingerprint feature: the integration of facial recognition and fingerprint features scan is an extra layer of security to mobile apps 

  • Detection of unusual activities: AI and machine learning integrations can help predict threats, unusual patterns, log ins, and any fraud detection and it immediately notifies its users.  

Putting this info into an Example:  

Sensitive sectors like banking use AI in their transactions to monitor and notify users of any unusual patterns. 
Cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated, but AI and machine learning technologies are adding an extra layer of security and help safeguard mobile apps against any vulnerabilities.  

4. Enhanced search 

In some mobile apps that are powered by AI tools, users can find predictive search based on their past activities, voice search, and image search options that enhance their way of searching and allowing them to find what they are looking for exactly.  

For example: 
E-commerce apps like Amazon, use AI for smart search suggestions and enable voice search. 
Also, apps like Pinterest allows users to search using images to ease their search process and help them reach their results faster  

5. Simplifies mobile apps development 

Aside from the fact that AI and machine learning are enhancing user experiences, these technologies are also easing the process for developers in their tasks like assisting in code recognition and identifying bugs which helps save time and effort. 

Challenges to consider: 

Aside from the benefits of integrating AI and Machine learning, there are few challenges considering integration AI and machine learning technologies within mobile apps, these challenges include: 

  1. Data privacy and security: Ensuring that user data is secure and protected is a crucial, yet challenging factor for developers 

  2. High operations cost: AI and machine learning integrations require a large amount of investment which is a challenge for smaller businesses  

  3. It requires specialized knowledge: Developers may find some difficulties in implementing AI and machine learning technologies, as they require specialized knowledge. 

In Conclusion:  

AI and machine learning technologies are continuously evolving and will continue to reshape and revolutionize mobile apps. Both technologies help in easing the process for developers, creating a more personalized experience for the users that engage them and makes them retained, and at the same time adds an extra layer of security for mobile apps, especially the sensitive ones like online banking apps.  

Want to explore how you can integrate Artificial intelligence and machine learning in your mobile app?  Contact us now and let’s get started! 


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